The Reinventors

Army to finance

Episode Summary

Josh loved the intensity of combat. But he made a decision for his family to leave the army. This is the story of how he found a new calling.

Episode Notes

Josh Klooz was an infantry officer in the US army, serving in Afghanistan in 2011. He loved the volatility and intensity of combat. But because he was starting a family, he made the tough decision to leave the army.  


Like many veterans, for Josh, finding a calling outside the military was really difficult. The path wasn’t straightforward. Now, Josh works as a wealth planning associate at UBS, and is training to become a financial advisor. The way he sees it, helping people with their money -  their life’s earnings, essentially - gives his role real purpose.  


In combat, Josh was helping people prepare for the worst, helping them think through fear. As a financial advisor, he’s doing a similar thing - especially now, during the pandemic.


Josh has this relentless positivity and clear-eyed way of seeing the world which I found really uplifting. Josh says there’s this myth of the broken veteran - leaving the army as victims - but that’s just not true. I want to thank American Corporate Partners for putting me in touch with Josh. They’re a great organisation that pairs veterans with professional mentors to help them transition into the working world.   
