The Reinventors

Corporate life to #vanlife

Episode Summary

Allie and Trent went from corporate desk jobs to living in their van, travelling the world and documenting their adventures on YouTube.

Episode Notes

This episode I’m so excited to be talking to Allie and Trent. Just a couple of years back, this amazing couple were working desk jobs — Allie in healthcare and Trent in sales. Every weekend they would take trips in their van, but they quickly realised they wanted to be in the van for longer than just short trips. 

Now, they’re living full time in the van (the fantastically-named Pamela Vanderson). They’ve been to 14 countries, and even got engaged on the road. They’ve built a career documenting their adventures online, and currently have almost 180,000 YouTube subscribers.

When we chatted, Allie and Trent were in Pucón in central Chile. We discussed how they made the transition to living and working from the van, what their family and friends thought about this massive change in their lives, and exactly how they grew their online following. They told me why it’s important to also show the difficult parts of life on the road, and why they thought it would have been more of a risk *not* to pursue #vanlife.

Follow Allie and Trent’s adventure on YouTube and Patreon. And if #vanlife is calling to you, they even share their 3D van layout and dimensions on their website.

