The Reinventors

Law to design

Episode Summary

Saffron Finch left a high-powered law career for the world of interior and furniture design.

Episode Notes

Saffron Finch worked as a corporate lawyer in London for 10 years. The job got more and more stressful and in her early 30s, it became overwhelming and she had to quit. After a whole lot of soul searching, she is now setting up a luxury furniture and interior design business. 

We chatted about how Saffron dealt with burnout, how she found a community of like-minded career changers, and why it’s so important to figure out who you are and what really matters to you, before taking the leap.  She says when you’re changing careers, you’re aren’t just moving to another job. A career change often comes out of a desire to realign what you do with who you are as a person – and as such, it often involves making life changes that go far beyond the daily grind.

Check out Saff's gorgeous design company, Hausporta

