The Reinventors

Lawyer to ceramicist

Episode Summary

Stine wasn't happy in her law job—until a pottery class changed her life. Now she's a sought-after ceramicist, making beautiful pieces for top chefs and restaurants.

Episode Notes

Stine wasn't happy in her law job—until a pottery class changed her life. Now she's a sought-after ceramicist, making beautiful pieces for top chefs and restaurants.

We hear a lot about bringing your whole self to work, being the real you in the office. But that can be easier said than done. And for Stine Dulong, it's been a journey. 

Stine moved from her native Denmark to London and worked as a business criminal lawyer. She got used to a constant low-level anxiety at work - and it took a skiing accident for her to realise being a lawyer was making her miserable. Stine took some time off to look after herself, try out a few hobbies. 

One of those hobbies was a pottery class - and Stine never intended to become a full time potter. But here she is, seven years later, with her studio SkandiHus making ceramics for some of the UK’s top restaurants and chefs. And her many students call Stine’s classes a ‘clay sanctuary’. 

For Stine, this profound change wasn’t just about her career. It was a whole life transformation. She went from being this practical-minded lawyer to a creative, intuitive ceramicist - someone brings her spirituality to work and thinks of self-care as a business strategy. We talked about ambition, fulfilment, sitting with difficult emotions - and how Stine carved a path where she is now free to be all parts of herself at work.
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