The Reinventors

Tech to sex coach

Episode Summary

Pamela Joy worked in Silicon Valley for over 10 years, then decided to leave Facebook and retrain as a sex coach. She talks desire, sexuality and how to figure out your next career move.

Episode Notes

Pamela Joy worked in Silicon Valley for more than a decade. But difficulties she was having in her sex life prompted her on to go on a journey of self discovery (that word is overused but this really was a journey). She left her job as a data scientist at Facebook to retrain as a sex coach. Now, she helps people who are struggling with their own sex lives. 

We talked about desire, open relationships, different expressions of sexuality. We talked about why many women received so few positive messages around sex growing up — and what we can do about that. Pamela says getting people to open up about sex is her super power. 

While her two careers seem totally different, there have actually been some surprising similarities between working in tech and being sex coach. Pamela thinks sparking conversations with people is one of the best ways to get inspired figure out your next career move.


Pamela is a Somatica® certified sex and relationship coach, and has a Masters in Counseling Psychology with over 1,500 hours of additional training in the field of sexuality. Through her writing, speaking and coaching, she works collaboratively and experientially with clients to increase their capacity for emotional and physical intimacy. Pamela is also a Trauma-Informed Sex Positive Therapy certified practitioner and on faculty at Esalen.

Follow Pamela's work @downtothere


